Final standings after the playoffs:

1. Something Inappropriate
2. Saved by the Balls
3. Ball Busters
4. Hot as Balls
5. Dirty Bunts
7. Purple Reign
8. 5th Ward Force
9. Loose Cannons
10. Swift Kick in the Grass
11. Fitzpatrick Team
12. Parks and Preservation

Final night of the playoffs: 11/12

Something Inappropriate 3 vs Saved by the Balls 1
5th Ward Force 2 vs Loose Cannons 1
Something Inappropriate 3 vs Ball Busters 0
Loose Cannons 6 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 2
Saved by the Balls 2 vs Hot as Balls 1

First night of the playoffs: 11/5

5th Ward Force 3 vs Kickspatrick 0
Saved by the Balls 4 vs Purple Reign 1
Hot as Balls 6 vs NVRSFT 3
Swift Kick in the Grass 6 vs Parks and Preservation 5
Something Inappropriate 3 vs Dirty Bunts 2

Final Regular Season Standings: (W/L/T)

1. Ball Busters 10-1
2. Saved by the Balls 9-1-1
3. Hot as Balls 8-2-1
4. Dirty Bunts 8-2-1
5. Something Inappropriate 7-2-2
6. NVRSFT 5-6
7. Purple Reign 4-5-2
8. Loose Cannons 4-7
9. Fitzpatrick Team 3-8
10 5th Ward Force 3-8
11. Swift Kick in the Grass 1-10
12. Parks and Preservation 0-10-1


Loose Cannons 16 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 3
Dirty Bunts 2 vs NVRSFT 0
Something Inappropriate 3 vs Fitzpatrick Team 0
Ball Busters 11 vs Parks and Preservation 0
Saved by the Balls 2 vs 5th Ward Force 0
Hot as Balls 4 vs Purple Reign 0


Ball Busters 3 vs Dirty Bunts 0
Hot as Balls 4 vs NVRSFT 1
Loose Cannons 1 vs 5th Ward Force 0
Something Inappropriate 6 vs Parks and Preservation 1
Purple Reign 4 vs Fitzpatrick Team 0
Saved by the Balls 9 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 0


Saved by the balls 2 vs Purple Reign 0
Loose Cannons 3 vs Fitzpatrick Team 1
Ball Busters 4 vs Fitzpatrick Team 0
NVRSFT 4 vs Loose Cannons 1
Loose Cannons Win vs Parks and Preservation Loss
Fitzpatrick Team 5 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 2
Dirty Bunts 5 vs 5th Ward Force 1
5th Ward Force 6 vs Purple Reign 5
Ball Busters 8 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 1
Something Inappropriate 10 vs 5th Ward Force 1
Saved by the Balls 3 vs Hot as Balls 0
Dirty Bunts 9 vs Saved by the Balls 7
Ball Busters 8 vs NVRSFT 1
Something Inappropriate 6 vs NVRSFT 0
Purple Reign 0 vs Dirty Bunts 0
Swift Kick in the Grass Win vs Parks and Preservation Loss
Hot as Balls Win vs Parks and Preservation Loss
Hot as Balls 2 vs Something Inappropriate 2


Dirty Bunts Wine vs Fitzpatrick Team Loss
Hot as Balls 6 vs Loose Cannons 1
Something Inappropriate 7 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 0
Purple Reign 1 vs Parks and Preservation 1
Saved by the Balls 6 vs Ball Busters 4
NVRSFT 6 vs 5th Ward Force 1


Dirty Bunts 9 vs Loose Canons 2
Fitzpatrick Team 19 vs Parks and Preservation 3
Ball Busters 7 vs 5th Ward Force 1
Hot as Balls 8 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 0
Purple Reign 2 vs NVRSFT 1
Something Inappropriate 1 vs Saved by the Balls 1


5th Ward Force 5 vs Parks and Preservation 0
Purple Reign 5 vs Loose Cannons 4
Ball Busters 2 vs Something Inappropriate 1
NVRSFT 8 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 5
Saved by the Balls 6 vs Fitzpatrick Team 1
Hot as Balls 12 vs Dirty Bunts 2


Hot as Balls 3 vs 5th Ward Force 0
NVRSFT 3 vs Fitzpatrick Team 1
Dirty Bunts 8 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 0
Saved by the Balls 9 vs Parks and Recreation 0
Ball Busters 8 vs Loose Cannons 1
Something Inappropriate 4 vs Purple Reign 0


5th Ward Force 8 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 2
Ball Busters 4 vs Purple Reign 0
Dirty Bunts 4 vs Parks and Preservation 0
Saved by the Balls 5 vs NVRSFT 2
Hot as Balls 8 vs Fitzpatrick Team 1
Something Inappropriate 4 vs Loose Cannons 1


Ball Busters 8 vs Hot as Balls 4
Dirty Bunts 2 vs Something Inappropriate 0
Purple Reign Win vs Swift Kick Loss
NVRSFT 12 vs Parks and Preservation 0
Saved by the Ball 6 vs Loose Cannons 1
Team Fitzpatrick 3 vs 5th Ward Force 2