few things:
1. If you have not completed your team payment please bring this tomorrow.
2. All teams need to turn in waiver forms tomorrow, please bring your own copies.
3. Shirts will be ready for pickup, please see Val and Ryan.
4. Umpires- please make sure that your team has volunteered people for the umprire squad.
5. Daylight- as we all know we still have limited day light so please show up on time at 6 and 6:30 and be ready to play at that time.
Ok now for the fun!
Head to Speakeasy Bar and Grille for post game beverages!
Here are the match-ups for tomorrow:
NVR SFT VS Planked and Tanked —- Umpires for this game :5th Ward Force & Team Shred
Ball Busters VS Swift Kick in the Grass —- Umpires for this game : Kickelodeon & Purple Reign
Something Inappropriate VS Kicking It In—- Umpires for this game : Wet Bandits & Purple Reign
6:30 PM
Wet Bandits VS Team Shred—- Umpires for this game : NVR SFT & Planked and Tanked
Purple Reign VS 5th Ward Force—- Umpires for this game : Ball Busters & Kicking it In
Kickelodeon VS Something Inappropriate—- Umpires for this game : Swift kick in the grass & Ball Busters
Also, note that Something Inappropriate has a doubleheader.
Plus, here is a health tip to help you start the season off right!
Nutrition Tips from Nutrition Breakthru, and Valerie Mey.
Week One Tip:
Water! Drinking clean filtered water is very important. It is not only important as an individual being but as an athlete.
Yes, I understand the drinking protocol for after Kickball but before and after festivities try to reach for water!
- Water is the most common nutritional deficiency in our population.
- Water makes up 55%-60% of our total body mass.
If the body’s water content drops by as little as 2%, it will cause fatigue.