Fall 2013 Season Winners!

Congrats to Something Inappropriate and to all the teams and players for a great 6th season of RI Kickball, we are excited for more awesome seasons to come!!

Reminder we are invited to play with Providence Kickball’s Turkey Ball Event, November 30th at noon.

Results 8/26


5th Ward Force 8 vs Blue Balls 1
Something Inappropriate 3 vs Ball Busters 0
Swift Kick in the Grass 9 vs Ec Kicks 2
Kickled and Hammered 11 vs Balls Models 0
NVRSFT 1 vs 99 Problems 0
Royal Tenenballs 15 vs Distracted by Seagulls 0

6th Season Starting Details

This season we will be playing at Morton Park on 8/26 and 9/9 and at Toppa Field from 9/16-11/4.

The Saturday for Games will be 10/19 starting at 11 a.m. at Morton Park.

Toppa Field’s will be labeled as follows:

Field 1- Clay Field closest to Middleton Ave.

Field 2- Middle field on the grass

Field 3- Closest to Freebody Street

Morton Park Fields are labeled as follows:

Field 1- Big Tree and closest to the swing set

Field 2- By the Sand Volleyball Court

Field 3- Farthest out, by the big rock

Rules for Toppa Field: No Smoking and no dogs. There is a small playground where kids can play if they come to kickball.

Morton Park: Smoking and Dogs are allowed.

Please make sure we pick up all our trash at both parks/fields.

Logistics for Toppa Field: We will only be opening the gate on Middleton Ave, so please park there an plan accordingly.

At the pre-season meeting a few rules were changed. Substitute players from other teams are not allowed unless you would like to forfeit the game and take a loss. Teams can play shorthanded with a minimum of 6 players which includes 2 females. If you need to take a substitute player(s) from another team the game will only be played for “fun”.

Umpires, we will be sticking with the same format as last season, which is your team is required to supply to umps for the game either before or after yours at the exact same field number.

Last but not least for the playoffs we will have the same format as last season with the top 7 playing on the last night, with the team in 1st getting a bye to round two. There will also be 1 consolation game between the last two teams to battle it out for last place.

6th Season of RI Kickball set to Start August 26th with 12 Teams

1. Royal Tenenballs

2. Something Inappropriate

3. Ball Busters

4. Swift Kick in the Grass

5. 5th Ward Force

6. Kickled and Hammered

7. Blue Balls

8. Distracted by Seagulls


10. Balls Models

11. EC Kicks (Formerly Planked and Tanked)

12. 99 Problems – NEW TEAM!!

Results 4/1


Distracted by Seagulls 8 vs Planked and Tanked 4
Wet Bandits 6 vs Something Inappropriate 2
Royal Tenenballs 7 vs Balls Models 3
Kicker and Hammered 4 vs 5th Ward Force 3
Swift Kick in the Grass 12 vs NVRSFT 5
Ball Busters 15 vs Blue Balls 1

Results 3/25

Planked and Tanked 7 vs Blue Balls 3
Wet Bandits 5 vs Royal Tenenballs 4
Something Inappropriate 4 vs Balls Models 0
5th Ward Force 6 vs Distracted by Seagulls 4
Kickle and Hammered 7 vs Swift Kick in the Grass 4
NVRSFT 5 vs Ball Busters 1

Results from 3/18

Balls models 5 vs Wet bandits 4
Swift kick in the grass 5 vs Planked and tanked 2
Kickle and hammer 8 vs NVRSFT 2
Royal tenenballs 9 vs Distracted by seagulls 7
5th ward force 8 vs Blue balls 1
Something inappropriate 3 vs Ball busters 2

5th Season of RI Kickball is here! Spring 2013!

Hello Kickballers and Happy 2013!

The fifth season of RI Kickball is upon us. Can you believe it? A few important details on dates etc below. For the most part things are going to stay the same moving into the 5th season.

Season runs March 18 – May 20 Monday Nights

Existing Teams have until February 4th to secure their spot.

A roster and payment are due on this date.
Registration is $720 per team which includes shirts. (Nicknames are $7 extra per shirt)
11 Teams will be the max again this season. 18-24 people per team.

Shirts will be managed by Valerie Mey vmey25@gmail.com again (Thanks!). Please be sure to get her your final artwork. Please copy league@rikickball.org on these emails.

Ryan Tucker ryantucker83@gmail.com has volunteered to be the Umpire chair, so stay tuned for updates from him as the season gets closer.

Sam Gillson will be returning as party chair! We have him to thank for all the awesome Monday night venues and free food!

Finally, we need to decide what do about playing on one Saturday. Last season we had a hard time with turn out, but in the previous season the Saturday was well received. We need to fit in something to make time for playoffs. This is your chance to have your opinion heard. Please email league@rikickball.org with our opinion.

Stay warm and see everyone soon!


Fall 2012 Season Champs: Something Inappropriate

Champions: Something Inappropriate
2. Wet Bandits
4. The Tickle Monsters
5. Distracted by Seagulls
6. Golden Boomers
7.  Ball Busters
8. Balls Models
9. 5th Ward Force
10. Kickelodeon
11. Swift Kick in the Grass